A GROWING BUSINESS Remote customer service is growing in popularity. Working as a home-based customer service agent means answering what’s known as inbound customer calls for companies like Walgreens, J.Crew and 1-800 Flowers, and other companies outsourcing their customer service needs to companies that hire U.S. based virtual agents. Businesses tend to get higher quality [Read More]
If You’re A Direct Sales Virgin Then Don’t Follow Me!
MY DIRECT SALES STORY I’ve been involved with direct sales companies in the past. It always started out the same way. I got extremely pumped up about the products I was selling, I talked to everyone I knew about it, I even got some “home parties” booked, or some one-on-one appointments set up. Then it [Read More]
Now You Can Pre-Order “Twitter Power: How To Dominate Your Market One Tweet At A Time”
If you’re a Twitter user, than you probably already know the power of Twitter and what it can do for you if you conduct business on the internet. Now you can find out exactly how important Twitter is to your marketing strategy. Joel Comm has written the book, “Twitter Power: Dominating Your Market One Tweet [Read More]
40 Ways To Make Money On The Internet
I came across this article titled, “40 Ways To Make Money On The Internet” on www.dumblittleman.com. I always like to read “list” articles because they’re normally quick to read and I usually find something on a list I didn’t know about. This article didn’t disappoint me; I found several things on this list I was [Read More]
Now You Can Barter For The Things You Need
A BARTERING OPPORTUNITY The other day I received a comment on my blog from someone named Joe that wanted to know if I needed a logo or a header for my blog. In exchange for doing this work for me for free, Joe asked that I include some links to his websites on my blog. [Read More]
Can You Make $100 A Day Writing Part-Time From Home?
This is my third post on places you can get paid to write part-time from home. I seem to keep finding more websites that offer this opportunity and I’m not even looking for them! The question is, can you really make $100 a day writing from home on a part-time basis? Today I visited the [Read More]
A Little Known FREE Method Of Driving Traffic To Your Website Or Blog
Whether you sell on eBay or not, there’s an often overlooked way to drive traffic to your website, blog or business that many people either don’t know about, or just don’t use. ABOUT ME PAGE There’s a huge number of eBay members that haven’t set up an About Me page on eBay and I don’t [Read More]
Now You Can Get Paid To Write About Your Favorite Places
Have you ever gotten back from a vacation and wanted to share your experience with everyone you know? Maybe you feel the need to tell everyone about an often overlooked local hangout, or share your experience about a meal you had at a secluded B&B while away on a long overdue weekend getaway. Guess what [Read More]
Here’s A Motto That Will Help You Succeed In Your Home Business
Tony Horton & The P90X System Motto I bought my husband the P90X workout system for Christmas. Maybe you’ve heard of it and/or have seen the infomercials. It’s a revolutionary system of 12 sweat-inducing, muscle-pumping workouts, designed to transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days. My husband has been talking about [Read More]
Learn How to Shop AND Get Paid For It
You may have seen ads on the internet about how to shop and get paid for it and thought to yourself, “Yeah, right.” I’m here to tell you that it’s absolutely true. You can get paid to shop and I’ve been doing it for over 10 years in my spare time. HOW I BECAME A MYSTERY [Read More]