Get Paid To Write! Think you have what it takes to be an author but don’t have any real work experience as a writer? No worries! At you can get paid to be one of their freelance authors as long as you have a good understanding of the English language, and correct use of [Read More]
Best 90 Day Workout Program! Quit Your Gym & Do P90X!
I’ve taken a small break in reporting work-at-home opportunities to talk to you about the best 90 day workout that not only will get you in fabulous shape, but save you the cost of a gym membership. I’m being a bit of a hypocrite here, because I have a gym membership at Gold’s Gym [Read More]
Sell Your Way To Part or Full-Time Work At A Stay-At-Home Job!
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while (and shame on you if you haven’t!), you know that I present a lot of different ways to earn extra money from home either part or full-time. It’s a passion of mine and I get extremely excited when I find new opportunities. If I can help [Read More]
Learn How To Save Money Now WITHOUT Sacrificing At
I’m a big fan of money-saving websites, so when I learned about from the February 13th issue of “The Week” magazine, I thought I would check it out. whose motto is, “Living large on a small budget,” is a group blog run by people who are dedicated to scrimping and saving money. These [Read More]
Now You Can Buy And Sell For Big Profits!
It’s unusual for me to buy a book at full price (well, actually ALMOST full price since I have a Barnes & Noble loyalty card), however, I found an interesting book titled, “202 Things You Can Buy and Sell for Big Profits” by James Stephenson with Jason Rich. Turns out that author, James Stephenson, has [Read More]
Write It Down, Make It Happen! The Power of Writing Down Your Goals
I wrote a post recently about the secret of writing down your personal mission statement. Writing things down have a magical way of coming true. It has happened over and over again to people who have listed their goals or wishes and mysteriously find that what they have written somehow jumps from the paper and [Read More]
If You’re A Direct Sales Virgin Then Don’t Follow Me!
MY DIRECT SALES STORY I’ve been involved with direct sales companies in the past. It always started out the same way. I got extremely pumped up about the products I was selling, I talked to everyone I knew about it, I even got some “home parties” booked, or some one-on-one appointments set up. Then it [Read More]
Now You Can Pre-Order “Twitter Power: How To Dominate Your Market One Tweet At A Time”
If you’re a Twitter user, than you probably already know the power of Twitter and what it can do for you if you conduct business on the internet. Now you can find out exactly how important Twitter is to your marketing strategy. Joel Comm has written the book, “Twitter Power: Dominating Your Market One Tweet [Read More]
40 Ways To Make Money On The Internet
I came across this article titled, “40 Ways To Make Money On The Internet” on I always like to read “list” articles because they’re normally quick to read and I usually find something on a list I didn’t know about. This article didn’t disappoint me; I found several things on this list I was [Read More]
Can You Make $100 A Day Writing Part-Time From Home?
This is my third post on places you can get paid to write part-time from home. I seem to keep finding more websites that offer this opportunity and I’m not even looking for them! The question is, can you really make $100 a day writing from home on a part-time basis? Today I visited the [Read More]