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Beware of Fake Designer Handbags Being Sold on eBay
In the market for a designer handbag and thought you’d check out the prices on eBay? Watch out! for fake designer handbags on eBay that look almost like the real thing and you need to know what to look for so you don’t end up spending a lot of money on a fake.
In the past, I’ve written about how to spot fake Uggs, Coach handbags, and Rolex watches. So when I came across a great Guide on eBay today titled, “Beware! “100% Authentic” Handbags Can be 100% Fake!!,” I felt compelled to post about it since there are so many unsuspecting buyers around the Holidays searching for designer handbags–especially on eBay.
The eBay seller who wrote, “Beware! “100% Authentic” Handbags Can be 100% Fake!!,” has been an eBay member since 2001, and is an eBay top 25 reviewer. Therefore, I feel pretty comfortable recommending her information to you.
Her seller id is Christid2303. This information is some of the best I’ve seen so far in arming hopeful buyers of designer handbags with enough knowledge to steer clear of fake bags. Christid2303 doesn’t give details on what to look for in a fake bag, but instead, gives you tips and suggestions on how to know if a seller is selling fake bags. I was fascinated to learn about some of these bogus sellers’ tricks!
I was especially interested to learn that some sellers of fake designer handbags will take pictures of their handbags outside. Some, even setting their handbags in mulch! As Christid2303 says, “Who would place a REAL designer handbag worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars in a pile of mulch!?”
Another tip-off that a seller is selling a fake designer handbag, are photos of so-called authentic handbags alongside stuffed animals such as teddy bears. Is that to distract the unsuspecting buyer from noticing that the purse is fake?! Buyer beware–these sellers are most likely peddling fake goods!
The Following Designer Handbag Brands are Notoriously Sold as Fakes
- Marc Jacobs
- Miu Miu
- Chanel
- Chloe
- Prada
- Fendi
- Mulberry
- Balenciaga
- Gucci
- D&G
- Celine
- Dior
- Kooba
- Luis Vuitton
- Juicy Couture
- TOD’s
- Bottega
- Veneta
- Hermes
- and More!
If you are someone that is considering purchasing a designer handbag on eBay, Christid2303‘s guide, “Beware! “100% Authentic” Handbags Can be 100% Fake!!,” is a must read! It’s not only eye-opening, but makes for a fascinating read!
Christid2303, a self-described handbag “nut,” has also written the following guide on eBay sellers selling real Kooba handbags.
Christid2303 also recommends the following “spotting fake handbag” Guides written by trustworthy eBay sellers:
How to SPOT fake LV LOUIS VUITTON: authentic Guide # 1
Authentic Fendi is Available on Ebay – Guide II
Authentic Fendi is Available on Ebay – Guide III
Buying Authentic Fendi Guide IV Supplemental Photos
Chloe – Buying Authentic Requires Research – Guide I
Chloe – Buying Authentic Requires Research – Guide II
How to spot fake Anya Hindmarch I’m NOT A Plastic Bag I
How to spot fake Anya Hindmarch I’m NOT A Plastic Bag II
How to spot fake Anya Hindmarch I’m NOT A Plastic Bag III
Is this bag and I’m NOT A Plastic fake? New secrets! IV
Your fairy godmother guide to buying authentic Mulberry
Just remember that there ARE plenty of great sellers on eBay selling REAL, AUTHENTIC, designer handbags. You just have to be knowledgeable when purchasing online.
I feel confident now, that you have enough information to get the REAL designer handbag you want, at a great price!
Happy Shopping!
safescents4u says
I am just amazed at the price people will charge and what people will pay for a purse. I know a good bag is important to every woman, but personally, I would rather spend my extra money elsewhere